Monday, December 15, 2008

Am I deaf or hard of hearing?

The other night I went to a deaf Christmas party with my 2 deaf friends that I knew from school. I had a great time. For the first time in my life, I felt accepted and like I belonged. Everyone was warm and welcomed me. There were a couple of times where I felt a little out of my league because I do not know ASL well. There were some times where I thought "What are they saying?". But I still felt accepted and felt like I belonged, even though I do not always understand what is being said. I want to feel like I belong somewhere and I have found that in the deaf community. I've never felt like I belonged anywhere my whole life. Now I found where I belong. What is the definition of deaf? Some people feel that I am hard of hearing and other people define me as deaf. I don't know what category I belong in. I feel as if I'm deaf because if I'm not wearing my hearing aids, I have a real problem when people are trying to get my attention. I would love any feedback from you. I would like to know if there are others like me out there. We could help each other and encourage each other as we grow in our identity.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

A little about who I am

Hi! I am deaf, but went undiagnosed until I was 6 1/2 years old. No doctors could ever figure out what was wrong with me until I was in a school for slow children and the teacher, fresh out of teaching school, called my mother and said that I do not belong in this school and that I was deaf. My family and I moved to Delaware and have been here ever since. I was originally from Pennsylvania. I taught myself how to lipread in order to survive those first 6 1/2 years. I grew up in the hearing world. I attended hearing school until 9th grade. 9th grade, I started deaf school where I learned PSE. I am now attending various deaf events because I want to learn ASL and expand my circle of friends. I have started expressing myself through poetry so from time to time, you will see poetry mixed in with my experiences in ASL. I find ASL to be free. I am learning and growing. I would welcome any feedback and would like to help anyone like me, deaf but grew up hearing and wanting to learn ASL.