Sunday, November 30, 2008

A little about who I am

Hi! I am deaf, but went undiagnosed until I was 6 1/2 years old. No doctors could ever figure out what was wrong with me until I was in a school for slow children and the teacher, fresh out of teaching school, called my mother and said that I do not belong in this school and that I was deaf. My family and I moved to Delaware and have been here ever since. I was originally from Pennsylvania. I taught myself how to lipread in order to survive those first 6 1/2 years. I grew up in the hearing world. I attended hearing school until 9th grade. 9th grade, I started deaf school where I learned PSE. I am now attending various deaf events because I want to learn ASL and expand my circle of friends. I have started expressing myself through poetry so from time to time, you will see poetry mixed in with my experiences in ASL. I find ASL to be free. I am learning and growing. I would welcome any feedback and would like to help anyone like me, deaf but grew up hearing and wanting to learn ASL.

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